Saturday 4 March 2017


Gupta dynasty was able to politically unite whole northern India after Mauryan dynasty and at the time of SAMUDRAGUPTA near about whole of Indian territory fell under Gupta empire, unlike Mauryas Guptas were decentralised. The Guptas had defeated variety of people and rulers but rather than exersizing direct control, they developed political hierarchies. This arrangement worked extremely well till SKANDGUPTA and it helped to keep peace among various ruling families however, afterwards it did not work for Gupta successors. To understand Gupta Administration we must consider following points :-

  • KING :- Rulers during Gupta period conferred various titles like MAHARAJADHIRAJ, PARMESHWARA, PARAMABHATTARAKA which indicate three things -
  1.  Kingship hierarchies - They ruled many lesser kings whom they defeated earlier.
  2. Divinity attached to king- The titles also indicate that kings were compared to Gods.
  3. Involvement of priestly class- As Gupta rulers made grants to Brahmanas, who expressed their gratitude by comparing them to Gods and perform ceremonies on their behalf.
  • ARMY :- The army was divided into various wings among which Cavalry became most important with new advancement brought by central Asian tribes [ Indo- Greeks, parthians, kushans, satavahanas], Elephantry wing lost it importance as compared to earlier period of Nandas and Mauryans and horse archery became an important element in military tactics. King use to have only 5% of the total army rest 95% were maintained by feudal lords. Whenever royal army passed through countryside the local people had to feed it.some important officers of army were
  1.  MAHASHWAPATI use to be head of Cavalry,
  2.  MAHAMAHIPALAPATI as head of Elephantry,
  3.  head of infantry use to be MAHANARPATI.
  • TAXES AND GRANTS :- During Gupta period land taxes increased in number and ratio varied from 1/4 to 1/6 of the produce. Several types of taxes were-
  1.  Bali -It was voluantry in Mauryan era and it was given to king now became compulsary in Gupta era.
  2.  Bhaga - King's share in all produce it was 1/4 to 1/6.
  3.  Bhoga- The tax in kind of gift, flowers woods,fruits etc.
  4.  Hiranya- Tax paid in cash[gold]. 
  5. Shulka -It was custom or toll tax charged from traders.
          Guptas made three types of garants-
  1. Firstly religious grants to brahmans
  2. Secondly educational institutions
  3. Thirdly secular grants to crown officers.
  •   JUDICIAL SYSTEM :- Judiciary was far more developed undr Guptas than in earlier times although polarization of judiciary system was done during Mauryan era, what Guptas introduced was first time law was codified and arranged in a serial order and criminal and civil cases laws were clearly demarcated, theft and adultery fell under criminal and property matters were under civil. Several law books were compiled during this period such as MANUSMIRITI,NARADSMIRITI etc. there are total 108 smiritis. Different smiritis were followed by various feudal lords but at core by Guptas Manusmiriti was followed. The basic difference among various smiritis were mode of punishment vary for same crime.
  • BUREAUCRACY :- As Guptas had decentralised administration their bureaucracy was not as elaborate as Mauryans. The king was advised by mantriparishad which include five groups -
  1. SANDHIVIGRIHIKA minister of war & peace 
  2. PATALADHIKRITA minister of accounts
  3. BALADHIKRIT as commander in chief
  4. DANDNAYAK minister of law & order
  5. MAHAPRATIHAR minister of maintaince  royal palace 
  • CITY ADMINISTRATION :- The head of city was nagarashreshthin, which consisted of many representatives of guild merchants including Sarthavaha who represented the trading communities, Prathamakulika who represented the crafting communities (artisans) and Prathamakayastha, who represented Government official community. The proviance were termed as BHUKTI and its head use to be UPARIKA, further Bhukti's were sub divided into districts called VISHYA which was headed by VISHYAPATIS or AYUKTAS.
  • VILLAGE ADMINISTRATION :- The village were termed as VITHIS and for each village there was a village assembly head of Vithis were ADHIKARAN. The GRAM SABHA was smallest administration unit after Vithis and its head was called GRAMAPATI or GRAMIK.
  • FEUDALISM :- The Gupta period was decentralised and policy adopted by rulers was to enjoy and let it enjoy, the core areas i.e. Anuganga, Saket, Prayag and Magadh were ruled by Gupta rulers directly rest whole of India was ruled by them through feudal lords. The basis of feudalism was Landgrants the king use to donate inhabited areas to a person with special ability or sometime to a person from whom they were happy or rarely to their officers. Feudal lords use to provide king following things -
  1. Financial assistance
  2. Matrimonial alliance
  3. Army assistance
  • CONCLUSION :- The Gupta dynasty was decentralised and unlike Mauryan era king was not fountain head and all powers of the king was limited till core areas only and this system of administration worked properly till Skandgupta only. The king does not maintain standing army like Mauryans they were provided by feudal lords at the time of war and now Cavalry became most important wing of army and the Guptas beuracracy was not as elaborate as Mauryans due to its decentralised nature. The basis of Gupta administration were feudal lords and at last they revolted and Gupta dynasty came to an end.  

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